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Quality health information can help you make informed decisions for yourself and your family.  YourHealth, the Deaconess virtual resource center, helps you be a smart, empowered patient.

From health education and information provided by Deaconess doctors and experts, to community and local resources, YourHealth connects you to the knowledge you need.

  • Managing Fall Allergy Season

    Jason White, MD Deaconess Clinic Allergy & Immunology

    As we head into the autumn season, people who haven’t had any sneezes and sniffles all year may begin to experience allergies.  

  • Adult Vaccines

    Jung Smith, MD, Deaconess Clinic Mary Street

    Most people are aware pediatric vaccinations are very important to prevent serious diseases and related complications. However, people often forget there are adult vaccinations and boosters that are recommended to keep us healthy and prevent complications associated with certain infections. 

  • Helping Children Navigate These Challenging Times

    Our “unprecedented” time continues, as we all work to live as best we can in our new and evolving “normal”. Although we are going through this pandemic together, our individual experiences are vastly different. With children, who don’t have a frame of reference, and who sense adult stresses and concerns, feelings may be even more confusing and difficult to manage right now.  

  • Understanding & Treating Heel Pain

    Brandt Dodson, DPM, Deaconess Clinic Podiatry
    In my 30 years of practicing podiatry, I’ve cared for thousands of people with heel pain. It’s actually one of the most common complaints I hear in my office. Treating heel pain can help people get back to living a better, more complete life.  

  • Super Summer Nutrition

    Debbie Pfeiffer, MS, RD, Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions

    Summer in the Tri-State means an abundance of locally grown produce. As a dietitian, I know the reasons why fruits and vegetables are so good for you, which makes summer the perfect time of year to encourage eating more of them...and to expand the ways people cook and eat in-season produce.

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