Spiritual Services
Pastoral Services
The pastoral care staff of The Women's Hospital is committed to caring for the spiritual needs of our patients and their families, as well as the spiritual needs of our employees. Dignity and privacy are of the utmost importance to us. You can be assured that your individual values and beliefs will be respected.
The Role of the Chaplain
Chaplains are caring listeners specially trained to help hospital patients and their family members. Chaplains provide spiritual support regardless of faith tradition or denomination. Without imposing personal beliefs or practices, our chaplains will attend to your spiritual needs. You can request a visit with our chaplain by calling
812-842-4218 or by asking your nurse.
Our peaceful Chapel provides a quiet place for patients, visitors and employees and is open any time during the day or night. Soft music and reading materials are available. A prayer request book is just outside the chapel door. The Chapel is located in the common area just off of the main lobby.
Other Services Provided by the Pastoral Care Department
Old and New Testament Bibles, as well as reading materials for multi-faiths are available upon request.
Contact with the patient's home church, synagogue or temple is possible upon request.
John K. Berry, MD - Garden of Peace
Dr. John Berry was a very special person to all who knew him. As a physician, his profession brought him into so many people's lives and his kindness will stay with his patients, friends and family forever. Dr. Berry also had a special connection with families who lost a child. The comfort, support and compassion he provided for them went far beyond what they expected.
Dr. Berry passed away in December 2005. His wife, Kathy, wanted to create a lasting tribute to the man who was so important to so many. The Women's Hospital is proud to honor this dedicated physician and wonderful man with the Garden of Peace. It is a touching reminder of Dr. Berry for his friends and family, and it offers a quiet place of spiritual buoyancy for The Women's Hospital’s patients for years to come. The John K. Berry, M.D. Garden of Peace is located south of The Women's Hospital Main Entrance.
Patients or visitors who wish to purchase a customized brick for the John K. Berry, M.D. Garden of Peace may do so through the
Deaconess Foundation.