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Outpatient COVID Treatments

Deaconess is administering antiviral therapies to help prevent hospitalization for COVID-19.  Some of these medications are FDA approved, and others are under emergency use authorization (EUA).

This oral medication is available by prescription only. A prescription can be obtained by your primary care provider or a through a Deaconess Clinic Urgent Care Video Visit. The provider will need to carefully review your complete medication list to avoid potentially dangerous medication interactions.  In some cases, lab tests may be needed prior to filling the prescription.  

This oral medication is available by prescription only, and is only available through certain retail pharmacies (not Deaconess).

EUA fact sheet about Molnupiravir

Note about Monoclonal Antibodies
There are no currently approved monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of COVID.
Who Qualifies

Criteria for these outpatient treatments:

Patients must have had symptoms for less than 5-7 days.

  1. All moderately-to-severely immunocompromised patients regardless of vaccination status (adult and pediatric)

  2. Patients age 65 and older

  3. Unvaccinated patients age 55-64 with at least one risk factor below

    Qualifying risk factors:
    1. BMI ≥ 35
    2. Chronic Kidney Disease
    3. Diabetes
    4. Cardiovascular disease
    5. Hypertension
    6. COPD/chronic respiratory disease
  4. Unvaccinated pregnant patients

  5. Vaccinated pregnant patients who are at least 24 weeks gestational age

  6. Unvaccinated with Trisomy 21/Down syndrome or intellectual disability that requires group home status

  7. Unvaccinated with cerebral palsy

  8. Age < 18, unvaccinated with one of the following:

    1. Trisomy 21/Down syndrome or intellectual disability that requires group home status

    2. Cerebral palsy

    3. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

    4. BMI in the 95th percentile for age

    5. Sickle Cell disease (not trait)

These treatments are NOT authorized for:
  • Patients who are already seriously ill due to COVID-19 (already hospitalized, on oxygen)
  • Patients with COVID-19 symptom onset > 5-7 days
    • Clinical trial data shows most benefit in patients with symptoms of 5-7 days or less, depending on which treatment is available.
Treatment should be started as early as possible. If you believe you are a candidate for one of these  treatments, contact your Primary Care provider or schedule an appointment now with a Deaconess Clinic Live provider.  Your Primary Care provider or Deaconess Clinic Live provider will assess your symptoms and/or risks, and will recommend any needed treatment.
Some of these treatments will have out-of-pocket costs for the medication itself, or costs to administer the medication, or both.  To learn what your costs may be based on your specific insurance, call 812-450-COST (2678). 
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