Every day brings you closer to that special moment of holding your new baby, and we look forward to celebrating that time with you. Our team, at The Women’s Hospital, is committed to making the birth of your baby a wonderful experience.
The Women's Hospital follows evidence-based Maternity Care Practices. These practices focus on promoting breastfeeding and mother/infant bonding.
Magic Hour
To capture that special moment after baby's birth, The Women’s

Hospital encourages the “Magic Hour.” During this hour, you and your baby spend time getting to know each other. Your baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest to promote a positive relationship and an intimate moment for families. When held skin-to-skin, baby can look into your eyes and respond to your voice. Since your voice and heartbeat are familiar to your baby, this close contact also allows your baby to get to know you better through touch and scent. Learn more about benefits of
Rooming In
Following evidence-based Maternity Care Practices mother and babies “rooming in,” which means that babies stay in the room with their parents as much as possible during their stay. Rooming in helps promote bonding, education and feeding between baby and parents. The concept is also proven to lead to better sleep and overall healthier babies. Learn more about
rooming in.
Safe Sleep
During your baby’s first year of life, sleep can become an important focus.

Although one concern can be the amount of sleep your baby is getting, the most important is a safe sleep environment.
To keep your baby as safe as possible, remember your ABCs:
A - Alone
All by myself: Babies should never be placed to sleep with a parent, sibling or another caregiver.
B - Back
On my back: Your baby should never be placed to sleep on their side or stomach. Placing a baby to sleep on their stomach doubles the risk of death.
C - Crib – In my crib: Your baby should always sleep in a safety-approved crib, bassinet, and portable crib; free of any soft objects (pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and/or bumper pads). The crib mattress or portable crib mat should be firm with only a tight-fitted sheet.
The Women’s Hospital is excited for attaining the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program’s highest designation of
Gold Safe Sleep Hospital. Learn more about safe sleep and our
Cribs for Kids program.