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You can quickly and securely give to Deaconess Foundation by completing the form below. Donors may choose to make a pledge and specify when they want to receive a bill or use a credit card for an immediate donation. You also have a choice of designating your gift to a favorite cause or where the need is greatest.

Thank you for supporting Deaconess Foundation.

Gift / Donation

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President's Society
Please include if your gift is a tribute.
Include contact information if you wish someone to be notified. (The amount of your gift will remain confidential.)


Donor Information

Payment Method

If you selected "Bill me later", please select the month

About Giving to Deaconess Foundation

Your gift is tax deductible. Deaconess Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. If your gift is $1,000 or more, you will become a member of our President's Society.

Thank you for your gift of health.

Planned Giving:


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