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    Traveling with a Newborn

    Elizabeth Whitlow 05/18/2021

    Your baby is here, maternity leave is driving you crazy, so you decide you want to indulge in a road trip. But wait… Can you travel with a newborn? The answer to this is yes! In this blog, we will discuss traveling by car in the United States so we aren’t crossing any borders.

    Your trip is booked so it’s time to start preparing but you don’t even know where to begin. The very first thing should be a car seat check. Before you jump in your car be sure to get your car seat checked by a Certified Car Seat Technician. They will ensure the car seat is installed properly and snug. This will be your peace of mind momma!

    Drive in comfort: You and baby both need to be comfortable because there will be a lot of moving around. Baby should be dressed in loose comfortable clothes. A vehicle’s inside temperature can fluctuate so keep that in mind when dressing baby. 

    Take a practice run: Before your big trip take a few small trips just to see what is needed, not needed or how the baby does in the car seat. Be sure to take a day trip sightseeing and see how often baby needs to be fed, changed, or entertained. 

    Be prepared for the giant blow-out!! We all know what I am talking about. The blow out can happen at any time or any point in your trip. Those diaper changes can occur wherever and when nature calls. I personally have changed the mega blow out in a church parking lot on a two lane road at 4 am. It happens. Just don’t get to stressed about it. 

    A couple of road trip must have:

    • Feeding Supplies
    • Pumped milk 
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Diaper bag stocked well: diapers, wipes, diaper cream, changing pad, dirty bags
    • Two changes of clothes
    • Pee pad for the car seat for the incase leak through
    • Sunshade on baby’s window


    *These are just a few of the things that may be needed in the car for your travels. 

    Breastfeeding: This may sound impossible when traveling in a car. It is not impossible but it does take a few more seconds of patience. Make sure when traveling you keep hydrated. For a breastfeeding mom, this is important, even when traveling, and stopping for mom to potty doesn’t seem the most logical thing. Allow for extra time to feed baby when you are stopped. This could take place at a gas station, restaurant for meals, or even a rest stop area. If you pump instead you may want to invest in a car charging pump that will allow you to pump while riding down the road. Just don’t forget your milk cooler. You have finally arrived at your destination. Now it’s time to enjoy your vacation with your family. Enjoy your time momma you deserve it!

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