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    Infant Crying Patterns

    Maternal Care Advisor at The Women's Hospital 05/14/2019
    Every parent breathes a sigh of relief when their newborn belts out a strong, powerful cry.  Some parents are caught off guard, however, by how much their baby will cry in the first few months of life.  Crying time increases around 2 weeks of age and typically peaks at 6-8 weeks before tapering off at 3-4 months.  The frequency of crying varies from baby to baby, and some babies will cry significantly more than others.  The Period of PURPLE. Crying is an acronym that can be used as a guideline for normal patterns of infant crying. 
    P-Peak of Crying: baby may cry more each week; the most at 2 months, then lessen at 3-5 months of age
    U-Unexpected: crying can come and go and you don’t know why
    R-Resists soothing: your baby may not stop crying no matter what you try
    P-Pain-like face: a crying baby may look like they are in pain, even when they are not
    L-Long Lasting: crying can last as long as 5 hours a day, or more
    E-Evening: your baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening
    The “period” at the end of PURPLE. Crying indicates that the crying DOES have an end. Keep pushing through!
    Here are some ways that may help soothe a “colicky” baby:
    • Rocking
    • Holding
    • Walking outside
    • Taking a stroller or car ride
    • Running a faucet or vacuum cleaner for “white noise”
    • Changing your baby’s position
    • Putting baby down for a break in his/her crib
    If you have concerns related to crying, do not hesitate to contact your baby’s doctor.
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