If you are looking for effective but less invasive treatments to rejuvenate your skin,
Dr. Dylan Greeney, offers a variety of non-surgical aesthetic procedures to revitalize your appearance - leaving you with refreshed and natural looking results.
812-463-4770 to schedule a consultation for aesthetic procedures.
Neuromodulators like Botox and Dysport fade wrinkles and can prevent wrinkles from forming. These quick, and essentially painless procedures, can provide results for up to 4 months.
These versatile procedures and treatments can help slim the lower part of the face, make the lips appear fuller or decrease the appearance of a gummy smile.
Facial Fillers: 
- Juvederm Voluma: Designed to shape your chin and contour your cheeks. Results last up to 2 years.
- Juvederm Ultra XC: Designed to reduce moderate to severe facial wrinkles, lip augmentation and perioral lines
- Juvederm Vollure: Reduces laugh lines for up to 18 months
- Juvederm Vobella: Injection into the lips for lip augmentation and perioral lines
- Restylane Silk: Lip augmentation and perioral lines
- Restylane-L: Facial wrinkles and folds
- Restylane Defyne: Helps smooth out deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines, mild-to-moderate chin retrusion
- Restylane Lyft: Adds volume to your cheeks, or can reduce signs of aging from volume loss on the back of the hands
- Restylane Kysse: Designed to add subtle, soft volume lips. This soft, highly flexible filler creates natural-looking kissable lips.
If you don't see one of your favorites listed above, don't worry! Give us a call, and we can schedule a consultation to make a customized plan for you.
Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is a treatment to improve the appearance of the skin. During a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin. This process removes dull, dead, dry skin, leaving fresh, healthy skin – which is typically smoother, more radiant, and less wrinkled skin.
Microneedling Facial Rejuvenation
Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling is a procedure that uses a dermaroller to prick the skin with small sterilized needles. The purpose is to cause the body to make more elastin and collagen for more toned, firm and smooth skin. Microneedling was originally introduced for skin rejuvenation, but may be employed to treat wrinkles, acne, sun damage, burns, hair loss, dark spots, scars and large pores.
Sciton Laser Treatments:
- Halo Glow: Improves skin texture, uneven tone, and fine lines and wrinkles.
- Forever Young: Addresses visible signs of aging from sun and environmental exposure. Helps to balance skin tone by reducing the appearance of red spots and brown spots.
- Forever Clear: Three-step laser treatment for acne: Blue BBL eliminates acne-causing bacteria; Yellow BBL reduces inflammation and acne-associated redness; Infrared BBL initiates the body's natural healing process
- Forever Bare: Hair removal. Laser technology to remove unwanted body hair. During the procedure, a laser targets individual hair follicles, damaging them and resulting in the diminishment in the number of hairs and quality of hair. The most commonly treated areas are the face, bikini area, underarms, legs and back.
- Improve the quality of vaginal tissue
Laser Skin Resurfacing
- Nano laser peel: Recommended for pigmentation, fine lines, tone and texture
- Fractional Resurfacing: Fine lines and wrinkles, scars, tone and texture
- Deep Resurfacing with Contour TRL: Deep wrinkles, scars, pigmentation
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Greeney, call 812-463-4770 and ask for a "Cosmetic Dermatology" appointment.