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Deaconess Cancer Services defines cancer survivorship as a person living with, through, and beyond cancer. Survivorship begins the day of diagnosis and extends for the rest of the patient’s life.

Cancer survivorship is on the rise due to both improved early detection of cancer, as well as advancements in cancer treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be 18 million cancer survivors living in the United States by the year 2020.

While completing treatment is a relief, it can also be a scary and unsettling time, as there is often a feeling of, “OK, now what?” Patients don’t always know what to expect, what ongoing health conditions or symptoms to watch for, or how to best care for themselves going forward. 

Oncology Survivorship Nurse Navigators and advance practice clinicians can play an important role in the care of the patient. The need for preventive and ongoing medical treatment requires close monitoring and coordination to ensure patients are provided with the appropriate resources and information.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Survivorship Care Plan includes details about what you will need for follow-up after treatment. This includes how often you should have check-ups, the types of tests you will need, and the possible long-term or late side effects of treatment. It also includes options for healthy living.
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