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Second Opinions

Upon diagnosis or even after starting treatment for cancer, you may want to ask a second doctor about your diagnosis and possible treatments. This is called "seeking a second opinion" and can help you feel more confident about the treatment plan.
Some reasons for seeking a second opinion
  1. You want to confirm or correct your diagnosis.
  2. You wish to hear from experts with access to unique treatments or clinical trials.
  3. You want to hear a different perspective on how to best manage the cancer.
  4. You wish to provide comfort and confidence to family members who have questions or concerns about your diagnosis. 
  5. Your current provider isn’t sure how to proceed in treating your cancer.
  6. You are unsure which treatment option to choose.
  7. You want to transfer your medical care to a different doctor.

When should I seek a second opinion?
Whether upon diagnosis or after starting treatment, you can get a second opinion from Deaconess Cancer Services. Timing is important since some cancers can spread quickly — so establishing a treatment plan sooner is better.

How do I pursue a second opinion?
Ask for a referral. While the provider who recommended your current treatment can do so, any physician in any specialty can likewise refer you for a second opinion, including your primary care physician or a specialist like a urologist or gastroenterologist.

Are second opinions covered by insurance?
It is recommended that you ask your insurer if your plan covers the cost of second opinions. Many health insurance plans do so.

Are you seeking a second opinion? Talk to your physician and ask for a referral to Deaconess Cancer Services. 
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