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Cancer Prevention and Screening

Detecting cancer early saves lives
Early detection is the key to cancer prevention and treatment. Deaconess Cancer Services encourages regular cancer screenings depending on your age and risk factors for common cancers such as prostate, cervical or breast cancer. 

Screening Recommendations
The following recommendations from the American Cancer Society are for people at average risk for certain cancers. Discuss your screening schedule which tests you might need with your doctor. It's also beneficial to talk about risk factors, including family history and  lifestyle behaviors, that could put you at higher risk.

Ages 25-39

Cervical cancer screening 
recommended for people with a cervix beginning at age 25.

Ages 40-49

recommended beginning at age 45, with the option to begin at age 40.

Cervical cancer screening 
recommended for people with a cervix.

Colorectal cancer screening 
recommended for everyone beginning at age 45.

At age 45, African American individuals should discuss prostate cancer screening with a doctor.

Ages 50+

Breast cancer screening 

Cervical cancer screening 

Colorectal cancer screening 

People who currently smoke or used to smoke should discuss lung cancer screening with a doctor.

Discussing prostate cancer screening with a doctor is 
Questions to Ask a Doctor:
  • What cancer screening tests are recommended for a patient my age?
  • Where can I be screened?
  • How often do I need to have screening tests?
  • How do I schedule screening tests?
  • Will my screening tests be covered by my health insurance? 
  • What will the screening tests cost if not covered by insurance?

Cancer Screening Conversation Starters
Wanting to talk to a loved one about cancer screening? Try one of these approaches recommended by The American Cancer Society.

  • I care about you and your health. Are you keeping up with recommended cancer screenings?
  • Are you aware that there are tests that can catch changes in your body before they become cancer?
  • My colorectal/breast/cervical/prostate/lung cancer screening is coming up. Have you scheduled yours? 
  • Regular cancer screening is vital. Is there anything I can do to help you get screened, like helping with childcare or transportation, finding information, or scheduling an appointment?
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